Pubdate: Wed, 20 Jun 2007
Source: Tribune, The (CN ON)
Copyright: 2007, Osprey Media Group Inc.
Author: Greg Furminger, Tribune Staff
Bookmark: (Hallucinogens)


Welland Supports Port Colborne Resolution

Known by street names Sally D and magic mint - the psychedelic salvia 
divinorum needs to disappear, Welland politicians say of the legal substance.

Salvia divinorum's hallucinogenic effects include feelings of 
visiting parallel universes and becoming or merging with inanimate 
objects such as furniture.

It's recommended it not be smoked without being accompanied by a 
so-called trip-sitter.

The Tribune did a story on Sally D last year, reporting the effects 
of the legal substance that then could be bought for $30 a gram at a 
downtown variety store.

It is not illegal to possess or sell.

One local user described it as "a hundred times stronger than acid." 
It is under regulatory control in countries that include Australia, 
Belgium, Denmark, Italy and Spain and some U.S. states.

In lending their support to a City of Port Colborne resolution passed 
by its councillors last month, Welland's municipal leaders last night 
added the Rose City to the growing list of municipalities calling on 
Health Canada to review risks of using salvia divinorum with the 
intent of regulating it as a controlled substance as are marijuana, 
cocaine and LSD.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom