Pubdate: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 Source: Washington Post (DC) Copyright: 2007 The Washington Post Company Contact: Details: Author: Brian C. Bennett ALARMISM OVER DRUGGED DRIVING Oh, boy, another supposed "epidemic" associated with drug use ["The Drugged Driving Epidemic; Why the Mayhem at a Southeast Festival Wasn't the Fluke You Might Think It Was," Close to Home, June 17]. To truly understand what's going on with regard to the impact of "drugged driving," it would be wise to look at the data on traffic crashes. I am a former intelligence analyst who does volunteer statistical research and analysis for the organization Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. The simple reality is that while the rates of use for intoxicating drugs other than alcohol (both illegal drugs and legal pharmaceuticals) have indeed increased in recent decades, curiously enough, the accident rates on America's roads have been in constant decline. Indeed, although there are also more drivers and more vehicles, fatal crashes have remained at 0.6 percent of accidents since 1988. During that period, the overall number of crashes declined by 11 percent. Ironically, this decrease has occurred in consonance with increased use of drugs other than alcohol. It would appear that although more people than ever are driving while "under the influence," they are nowhere near as incapacitated as they are when alcohol is involved. BRIAN C. BENNETT North Garden, Va. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake