Pubdate: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 Source: Charlotte Observer (NC) Copyright: 2007 The Charlotte Observer Contact: Details: Author: Robert K. Trobich SENTENCING GUIDELINES 'TOO HARSH' FOR ALL? A federal judge sentenced Libby within the Federal Sentencing Guidelines; guidelines that Bush's Justice Department has argued strenuously in favor of. Yet Bush decided the sentence was "too harsh." As a criminal defense attorney who has had to deal with the often-draconian result of the guidelines as they apply to most people in the criminal justice system, perhaps I should subpoena Bush to appear at the next sentencing hearing of a client who is facing 20 years in prison for street-level drug sales, to see if that sentence meets his view of "too harsh." This president treats the rule of law as something to be discarded or abused to suit his political wants. Robert K. Trobich - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake