Pubdate: Thu, 12 Jul 2007
Source: Capital Xtra! (CN ON)
Copyright: 2007 Pink Triangle Press
Author: Marcus McCann, Capital Xtra
Bookmark: (Harm Reduction)
Bookmark: (Cocaine)


HEALTH / Ambushed On Safe Inhalation Program, Organizers Rally

An inexpensive program that keeps drug users from contracting HIV and 
hepatitis was canned by city hall Jul 11, but those involved with the 
safer inhalation program say they could keep distributing pipes 
without city funds.

"There's still the impetus to provide support to those who use our 
services," says Adam Graham of the AIDS Committee Of Ottawa.

Graham is not discounting the possibility that outreach workers will 
keep distributing the pipes even though the city has withdrawn its 
funding. He says that in other Canadian jurisdictions, health workers 
have gone ahead with similar programs when municipal governments have 
balked at provided harm reduction strategies.

"Looking into what the implications are is really worthwhile," he says.

Metal pipes heat up, drying and cracking the lips of users. This 
leaves them, and other users of the pipe, vulnerable to contracting 
blood-borne infections like HIV.

Harm reduction programs like this one keep users from catching 
incurable diseases until they're ready to quit. Pioneered by gay 
activists in the early days of AIDS, harm reduction was presented as 
an alternative to the medical profession's calls for abstinence and 
reactionary politicians' calls for quarantine.

Evidence gathered by University Of Ottawa researchers on behalf of 
the City Of Ottawa shows that the program has caused drug users to 
switch from using injection drugs to using the pipes, which is safer. 
It also reduced the frequency of pipe sharing. Advocates also point 
out that the program has exposed many of Ottawa's drug users to 
health professionals for the first time, meaning they have greater 
access to health information and counselling options.

"We had an inkling," that the program would come under attack, says 
Graham, which explains why ACO rallied in Feb at budget time and also 
faced off against Sandy Hill conservatives on Jul 11, 
counter-protesting an anti-crack pipe demonstration led by about 25 
area business owners and residents. With Mayor Larry O'Brien and new 
police chief Vernon White opposed, organizations supporting harm 
reduction girded their loins.

The Integrated Drug Strategy plan adopted by city hall yesterday had 
called for a review of the pipe program, but Rick Chiarelli 
introduced a motion to abandon safer inhalation altogether.

Despite Chiarelli, the program will continue, at least for now.

"We've heard conflicting information. As far as we know, we have 
until the 31st of July for ordering supplies," says Graham.

The mayor and 14 councillors voted to nix the program. The mayor and 
a regular roster of suburban reps were joined by River councillor 
Maria McRae, Kitchissippi councillor Christine Leadman (whose ward 
includes Westboro and Hintonburg) and College councillor Chiarelli.

Seven councillors did not support the motion, six representing 
inside-the-greenbelt ridings -- Diane Deans, Diane Holmes, Clive 
Doucet, Jacques Legendre, Peter Hume, and Michel Bellemare -- plus 
Kanata councillor Peggy Feltmate. Georges Bedard and Alex Cullen were 
absent from the vote.

Those councillors who voted to kill the program should be held 
accountable, Graham says, and filing a human rights complaint might 
be the next step.

"It's an interesting question. If addiction is covered under human 
rights codes under disability, and it is in Ontario and federally, 
community organizations should be asking themselves is how does this 
implicate councillors in human rights abuses when despite the 
mountain of evidence presented by Dr Salisbury, they've cancelled a 
program, as non-health professionals, that is reducing transmission 
[of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis]."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom