Pubdate: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA) Copyright: 2007 San Jose Mercury News Contact: Details: Author: Edwin Garcia FEWER CALIFORNIA PAROLE VIOLATORS BEING SENT BACK TO JAIL Rehab Option Helps Cut Overcrowding SACRAMENTO - Prison officials in Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's administration acknowledged Thursday that some parole violators are no longer being sent back to prison - part of a philosophical shift that will reduce overcrowding in the state's prisons. The state's parole chief insisted that most of those being given a second chance are not violent offenders, but the notion that an increasing number of parolees are getting a break rankles some tough-on-crime advocates and conservative lawmakers. Nearly 10,000 more parolees are on the streets today than last July, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation - an 8.4 percent increase that far outpaces the growth in the prison population, which was just 0.6 per cent over that same time. When asked about those numbers, administration officials acknowledged Thursday that, indeed, parole agents are directing more parolees into rehabilitation programs instead of prisons, particularly for minor violations that used to keep them locked up for months. The change in direction - hailed by parole-reform advocates and criminal defense attorneys - occurred quietly at a time when federal judges are threatening to impose a population cap for the state's prison system. Currently, 173,000 inmates are packed into space built for 100,000. Recidivism Rate Criminal justice experts said California's tougher parole standards contribute to its having the highest recidivism rate in the nation. The policy shift should bring the state more in line with the rest of nation. Thomas Hoffman, head of the prison system's adult parole division, couldn't readily provide statistics to determine the criminal history of parolees, but he said most were "non-violent, non-serious offenders." The change, he said, is part of a broader "philosophical, cultural, social change" sweeping through the corrections department. "We've got a system that obviously isn't working," Hoffman said, "and now the struggle is what is the solution, and I think we're working through that as a state, and still got a long way to go." Last month, the state's rehabilitation oversight board suggested that a policy shift on parolees was warranted, but the numbers suggest that parole commissioners had already stopped sending some parole violators back to prison. The parolee population has jumped to 127,151 from 117,354 over the past year. "The numbers are shocking, and I think it's scary for any law-abiding citizen," said Sen. Jeffrey Denham, R-Modesto. "We shouldn't be focused on clearing bed space; we should be worried about enforcing the law and making more bed space for those that are continuing to prey on our citizens." All inmates released from prison are automatically placed on parole, meaning they must abide by certain restrictions and remain under the supervision of a parole agent for at least a year, or face going back to prison. Studies have shown that about seven in 10 inmates released from California prisons will return to the system within two years - the highest recidivism rate of any state. Parolees most likely to receive second chances, Hoffman said, are those who break rules known as technical violations, such as failing to attend a class for men found guilty of domestic violence, or skipping a routine meeting with a parole officer. "This isn't soft on crime," Hoffman said. "It's smart on crime." Nearly two-thirds of parolees are sent back to prison for technical violations, according to criminology experts Robert Weisberg and Joan Petersilia. Assemblyman Todd Spitzer, R-Orange, a former prosecutor who chairs a prison construction committee, said it was too early to judge the effect on the public's safety until the types of violations that are keeping parolees from prison are analyzed. "As long as it's truly technical, I'm not going to flip out about it," Spitzer said. "But if they're using the term 'technical violation' to encompass all parole violations, including violations of the law, I'm going to have a real problem with that." 'Claiming Victory' Assemblywoman Sally Lieber, D-Mountain View, a proponent of parole and sentencing reform, doubted the administration was succeeding in solving overcrowding. "So they've got more people in prison, and more people on parole than last year, and they're claiming victory?" she said. "I think they've got to keep working on it. I don't think they've got it solved yet." The state's shift doesn't surprise experts who study crime and punishment. "The rate of admissions in California is driven dramatically by parole revocations, so all you need to do is change policies slightly, and then you would start seeing a decrease or a lessening of the increase in the prison population," said Christy Visher, a principal research associate at the Justice Policy Center, which is part of the Urban Institute in Washington, D.C. Adding Jail Beds Schwarzenegger is a firm believer in recently enacted legislation, AB 900, which promises to build tens of thousands of prison and jail beds, and tie them to rehabilitation programs. And he has stated repeatedly that he will not release violent inmates from prison. His administration also is pleading with the federal court to not impose a prison population cap but instead allow the state to solve the overcrowding crisis through a number of measures, including rehabilitation of inmates who are addicted to drugs. Parolees and their advocates are pleased with the change in direction. "Public safety is a byproduct of having more safe, and less dangerous, people on the street," said Jeff Stein, a San Luis Obispo defense lawyer and leader with the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice. "There is no correlation that more time means more safety, so more thoughtfulness in corrections means more safety." The shift also was well received by parolees attending a mandatory, state-run meeting in Oakland this week, for those who were freed from prison in recent days. Wilbert Winchester, 50, has been in and out of prison for 27 years, often on parole violations. He has enrolled in a substance-abuse treatment program and the fact that he was being paroled at a time when the state says it's emphasizing rehabilitation - and keeping parolees from re-entering prison - wasn't lost on him. "I see a little hope there." - --- MAP posted-by: Steve Heath