Pubdate: Tue, 10 Jul 2007
Source: Honolulu Advertiser (HI)
Copyright: 2007 The Honolulu Advertiser, a division of Gannett Co. Inc.
Author: Robbie Dingeman, Advertiser Staff Writer
Bookmark: (Drug Test)


The use of marijuana in the workplace decreased sharply  in the 
second quarter of this year, after nearly a year  of steady growth, 
according to statistics released by  Diagnostic Laboratory Services.

"The significant drop in marijuana use is great news,"  said Carl A. 
Linden, Diagnostic Laboratory Services'  scientific director.

He said the numbers haven't been this low in a year.  Linden noted 
that his lab's latest numbers show a  decline in overall drug use 
detected to 3.2 percent of  all employees tested. "That usually 
translates into a  workplace that is more productive and safe," he said.

The company, which describes itself as Hawai'i's  largest 
drug-testing company, releases drug statistics  each quarter. The 
company handles drug testing for  about 700 local businesses.

Data for the study came from more than 9,000 employees  -- or 
potential employees -- tested between April and  June. The report 
also showed the use of other drugs  remains relatively stable.

The use of crystal methamphetamine inched down from 0.9  percent to 
0.8 percent for the first quarter of the  year.

The statistics also showed:

The number of workers who used cocaine remained the  same at 0.3 percent.

The abuse of opiates, or prescription drugs, jumped  from 0.3 percent 
to 0.5 percent.

THC, or marijuana, dropped from 2.1 percent to 1.6  percent.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman