Pubdate: Wed, 18 Jul 2007
Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)
Copyright: 2007 Los Angeles Times
Author: James Gerstenzang, Times Staff Writer
Bookmark: (Walters, John)


Documents Suggest A Coordinated Effort To Help Boost Vulnerable 
Candidates By Using An Official Legally Barred From Political Activities.

WASHINGTON -- As President Bush fought to keep Congress in Republican 
hands last year, the White House political director enlisted the 
nation's drug czar to attend events with vulnerable GOP incumbents, 
documents made public on Tuesday disclosed.

John P. Walters, director of the Office of National Drug Control 
Policy, attended 20 programs -- round-table discussions, tours, a 
town hall meeting and other antidrug events -- with Republican 
candidates from New Jersey to California.

The White House says the meetings were official events, not partisan 
ones, but they took place largely in districts and states where 
Republicans were in tough election battles. Nearly half of the 
candidates with whom he appeared lost their elections.

The documents suggest a coordinated effort to employ a senior 
official who is barred by law from political activities to help boost 
the fortunes of Republican candidates.

They indicate that the former White House political director, Sara M. 
Taylor, suggested Walters attend the events, and that Karl Rove, 
Bush's chief political advisor, thanked Walters for his attention to 
the candidates.

The release of the documents by Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Los Angeles), 
chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 
follows disclosure of other efforts by Taylor and Rove to deploy 
senior executive branch officials to boost the GOP's political fortunes.

Walters' office denied any wrongdoing and said he also took part 
during the year in events with Democratic politicians intended to 
highlight successes in the effort to curb illegal drug use. Deputy 
White House Press Secretary Scott Stanzel said Waxman offered no 
evidence that the antidrug chief "was used to urge the election of 
any political candidate."

Taylor's lawyer, W. Neil Eggleston, said in a brief statement: "Ms. 
Taylor believes she managed the office of political affairs in a 
manner consistent with previous administrations, both Republican and Democrat."

Eggleston said he was considering whether to comply with Waxman's 
request that Taylor testify before his committee at the end of the 
month. Taylor appeared last week before the Senate Judiciary 
Committee, which is investigating whether the Bush administration 
fired eight U.S. attorneys for political reasons.

In a letter to Taylor, Waxman wrote: "Documents recently provided to 
the Oversight Committee suggest that White House efforts to 
politicize the activities of federal agencies may be more widespread 
than previously known."

He cited the case of the U.S. attorneys, testimony by former Surgeon 
General Richard H. Carmona that he had been instructed to repeatedly 
draw attention to Bush's accomplishments, and political work by the 
administrator of the General Services Administration.

Among the documents was a memorandum Taylor wrote to the drug 
office's White House liaison on Nov. 20, two weeks after the election 
in which Democrats won majority control of the House and Senate.

In the memo, Taylor listed the events in which Walters had 
participated at the suggestion of her office.

Walters' spokesman, Tom Riley, said the list did not include events 
he attended with Democratic officeholders, which were sprinkled 
throughout his 2006 calendar.

"Our office does events with congressmen and senators of both 
parties, to draw attention to the drug issue, drug policy and drug 
programs," Riley said. "It doesn't seem surprising to me that as an 
election gets near, the people who would want to do events talking 
about administration policies are Republicans."

Walters, however, was praised by Rove, according to an e-mail sent to 
him by his White House liaison, Douglas A. Simon. Simon reported to 
Walters on a post-election meeting that Rove addressed in which he 
offered thanks "for all of the work that went into surrogate 
appearances by Cabinet members and for the 72-Hour deployment," the 
White House's crash effort in the three days before the election.

Referring to Rove, Simon wrote: "He specifically thanked, for going 
above and beyond the call of duty, the Dept. of Commerce, 
Transportation, Agriculture, AND the WH Drug Policy Office.... The 
Director and the Deputies deserve the most recognition because they 
actually had to give up time with their families for the god awful 
places we sent them."

In a letter to Taylor, Waxman said the degree of White House control 
over Walters' schedule and the number of trips he made was striking.

It was difficult to understand, Waxman wrote to Taylor, how Walters' 
work would be enhanced "by extensive taxpayer-funded travel to 'god 
awful places' to appear with vulnerable Republican members."
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