Pubdate: Fri, 20 Jul 2007
Source: Detroit Free Press (MI)
Copyright: 2007 Detroit Free Press
Author: Ben Schmitt
Bookmark: (Corruption - United States)


Missing Cocaine Estimated At $2.4 Million

A Detroit police narcotics officer, trusted to handle seized drugs as 
evidence, has been suspended under suspicion that he stole 6 
kilograms of cocaine with a street value of about $2.4 million from 
the department's property room.

Police Chief Ella Bully-Cummings said Thursday that the veteran 
officer, on the job since 1989, ran a scheme in which he signed out 
the drugs from the property room as evidence and replaced them with a 
substance that looked like cocaine.

She has turned over the criminal investigation to the FBI while 
internal affairs investigates department charges.

"This individual has turned his back on this department, his 
colleagues and the community we serve," Bully-Cummings said during a 
news conference. "I, along with the hardworking members of this 
police department, have absolutely no tolerance for anyone who 
chooses to tarnish the image of the Detroit Police Department and 
defy the oath taken by police officers."

The chief said investigators discovered the theft last week when the 
officer, whom she declined to name, returned the original packages 
that previously contained cocaine. Additional testing proved the new 
substance was not cocaine.

Bully-Cummings said that the nature of the officer's assignment would 
not have initially raised suspicion when he signed out the drugs.

"It has become clear that this individual lied to take custody of the 
narcotics and stole them," she said, adding that she is uncertain 
what the officer did with the cocaine.

Bully-Cummings suspended the officer with pay but said that the pay 
status could change once the Board of Police Commissioners reviews the matter.
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