Pubdate: Sat, 28 Jul 2007
Source: Evening Star, The (UK)
Copyright: 2007 Archant Regional
Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom)
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A STRING of Suffolk MPs today admitted smoking cannabis after
being quizzed about drugs by The Evening Star.

Out of the county's seven MPs only ONE denied using cannabis in the
past, while three, including Ipswich MP Chris Mole, openly admitted
smoking the drug.

Not a single MP in the county admitted to using cocaine in the

Mr Mole said: "I am quite happy to confess that I indulged in the odd
bit of cannabis smoking when I was a student as many did of my generation.

Jacqui Smith "I strongly supported the decision when David Blunkett
was Home Secretary to move classification on the basis of the evidence
of the expert panel and I am quite surprised that so soon after that
it is being suggested that there is a new perspective although I can
entirely understand because a lot is now being made of stronger
strains of cannabis."

The current law on cannabis is to be reviewed to decide whether it
should be reclassified from its current status as a Class C drug.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith caused a stir last week when she admitted
to having smoked cannabis at university, and her confession was
followed by that of other cabinet members.

Among the Suffolk MPs who have admitted previously using the drug are
Ipswich MP Chris Mole, South Suffolk MP Tim Yeo and West Suffolk MP
Richard Spring.

Tim Yeo West Suffolk MP David Ruffley refused to comment on whether he
had smoked cannabis or taken cocaine saying that he agreed with party
leader David Cameron's view that politicians are entitled to a
"private life" prior to entering public life.

Another MP who refused to reveal if he had smoked cannabis or taken
cocaine was former cabinet minister John Gummer who represents Suffolk

Waveney MP Bob Blizzard was unavailable to answer questions on
cannabis or cocaine use despite calls from The Star over several days.
A spokeswoman for Mr Blizzard said he was "busy in meetings".

Out of all the county's MPs only Sir Michael Lord, deputy speak in the
House of Commons, categorically denied having used cannabis.

West Suffolk MP Richard Spring, said he believes he has smoked the
drug once in a New York taxi in his student days but did not realise
what it was.

He said: "I was with two other people and they rolled up a cigarette
and pushed it in my mouth. I thought it smelled funny. It didn't do
anything for me, though. I asked them what it was and they just
giggled, so I suppose it must have been cannabis. I didn't like it and
never had any again. I don't like cigarettes."

Tim Yeo admitted back in 2000 that he has used cannabis in the past
saying he had been "offered it on occasion and enjoyed it".

John Gummer did not reveal if he had taken cocaine or cannabis in the



Cannabis is also known as marijuana, grass, weed, dope or

The drug has a mildly sedative effect, which leads to decreased
blood pressure, increased appetite, feelings of relaxation, mild
intoxication and increased sociability.

High doses can cause coma, but there are no records of fatal
overdose. Heavy use can lead to confusion, aggravate existing mental
disorders and sap energy.
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake