Pubdate: Sat, 04 Aug 2007
Source: Gainesville Sun, The (FL)
Copyright: 2007 The Gainesville Sun
Bookmark: (Policing - United States - News)


All of a sudden "green" has gotten very sexy. In light of Americas' 
newfound awareness of global warming, it seems that everybody's going green.

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist says state government is going green with 
new energy efficiency standards and other initiatives. Automakers are 
touting their "green" cars, and even oil company ads are trying to 
hide the black stuff behind an emerald hue. Politicians are being 
greener-than-thou out on the campaign trail. And Wal-Mart has gone so 
green it's promising to illuminate the world with flourescents.

So why shouldn't narcs get into the act?

This week arrived a press release from the Drug Enforcement Agency 
with a headline touting: "DEA goes green." So have the feds started 
using non-lead bullets? Or perhaps recyclable handcuffs? No, not exactly.

The press release touting the DEA's greenness announced that 38,000 
marijuana plants have been confiscated and removed from a nature 
preserve in Illinois. Removing an "invasive species" from a nature 
preserve: How green can you get? Hopefully, when the confiscated pot 
finally goes up in ... er ... smoke, it won't add to the greenhouse 
gas buildup.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom