Pubdate: Sun, 05 Aug 2007
Source: Province, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2007 The Province
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


Fell Into Path Of Train

CALGARY (CNS)-- Before he was pushed into the path of an oncoming 
transit train in Calgary, 17-year-old Gage Jeffrey Prevost was 
arguing over $10 worth of marijuana, say friends.

And according to a witness, Prevost appeared to be fighting with a 
woman before he fell between two moving trains on Wednesday.

"She pushed him in his lower abdomen and he leaned back too far," 
said Morgan Hunter, 20.

"It looked like a hard shove with both hands. She was lower than he 
was and putting force into it. He fell backwards, and I was like, 
'Oh, no,' and the train came to a skidding stop."

Hunter says the woman had black curly hair with highlights and was 
wearing red sweatpants. She looked like a drug addict, he said.

Police say they are looking for a dark-skinned woman, possibly 
native, in her 20s with facial scars.

A gathering of teenage mourners, believing they'd spotted her, 
erupted into an angry mob Friday, leading police to apprehend the 
wrong suspect.

The misunderstanding occurred when Prevost's inconsolable girlfriend 
Kayla started pointing at a young woman walking up to the C-Train 
platform. "That's her! That's her!" yelled Kayla, who witnessed 
Prevost's death.

The horde of emotional teenagers rushed the platform and yelled for 
nearby police.

The oblivious young woman in sunglasses and a black ball cap, 
matching a vague description of a suspect who police say pushed 
Prevost, was swiftly apprehended by police and spirited into a nearby 
police van.

During the woman's arrest, the mob of teenagers chased after her.

"You killed my brother," Foster Prevost yelled to the woman as police 
loaded her into the back of a police van.

The crowd swarmed and threatened the woman, screaming, "Murderer," 
then surrounded the van, yelling, "Killer," and "I hate you."

The woman taken in for questioning was native, had scabs on her 
cheeks and was slim.

She was released within an hour.

Only a partial view of the suspect is seen on transit security 
surveillance tapes showing Prevost's fall.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom