Pubdate: Sun, 05 Aug 2007
Source: Journal Standard, The (Freeport, IL)
Copyright: 2007 The Journal Standard
Author: Marilee Odendahl


The Journal-Standard's recent piece about some area convenience 
stores selling small glass tubes with roses in them which are 
commonly used as crack pipes smacks of actual investigative 
journalism - congratulations and I hope to read more stories like this one.

Those stores owners who choose not to sell items known to be thinly 
disguised drug paraphernalia are to be commended. The manager who 
were quoted giving disingenuous answers to the direct question posed 
by the reporter "What do you think the tubes are used for?" should be ashamed.

They are choosing to participate in the destruction of people's lives.

This does not move them noticeably higher on the moral scale from 
those who sell the crack. Knowing perfectly well the common usage for 
the tubes they still choose to sell them to make their profit. I 
would not be surprised to find their parking lots strewn with small fake roses.

Further, if they store the tubes behind a counter because of theft in 
boxes along with rolling papers the connection between the items is 
plainer still.

Since the tubes are not illegal there is little the police can do to 
curb the sales. But the community at large can vote their disgust by 
refusing to patronize businesses who casually and cynically play a 
role in the degradation of our neighborhoods. This is one way each of 
us can demand accountability from the managers and owners of these stores.

The Birmingham bus boycott was successful because people united 
behind a just cause - I think it's time all citizens of Freeport 
unite against the growing problem of drugs in our community. This is 
not "just" a Third Ward problem.

Marilee Odendahl

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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom