Pubdate: Fri, 10 Aug 2007
Source: Edmonton Sun (CN AB)
Column: Point/Counterpoint
Copyright: 2007 Canoe Limited Partnership.


Should Canada decriminalize marijuana? Licia Corbella took the 
affirmative and Michael Coren the negative on Monday in our 
Point/Counterpoint debate. Here's what some of you had to say in reply.

While she is usually pretty level headed, Licia Corbella sounds like 
a complete fool in her debate with Michael Coren regarding the issue 
of legalizing marijuana. First she claims that billions of dollars 
could be saved if police would not spend time arresting people for 
small personal possession of marijauna. Then she flips completely 
around and accepts Coren's contention that since police are only 
focusing on major drug dealers and not users, the drug should be 
legalized anyway. She then makes the ludicrous claim that marijuana 
is not harmful to one's health. These very same arguments are 
repeated ad nauseum by virtually every pothead I've ever talked to.


Wow, this seems to be a debate between the rational (Licia Corbella) 
and the unrational (Michael Coren). As a recreational pot user I am a 
little offended by his comparison of pot use to theft, rape and 
assault. Remarkably there are people (like myself) who are 
responsible pot users. We hold good jobs, pay our rent/mortgages, pay 
our bills on time and pay our taxes. To me pot is like alcohol 
(without all the nasty side effects). You don't drive when high, you 
don't go to work high or do anything you shouldn't do while under the 
effect of alcohol (or marijuana). It's that simple. Think of the 
money that could be made in decriminalizing it.


As a former nurse, I acknowledge some limited medicinal benefits of 
marijuana. As a father, taxpayer, conservative and all other things I 
represent, legalizing marijuana is just one more step down the 
slippery slope to social anarchy. In terms of probable damage to 
societal standards, legalizing marijuana will be as destructive as 
legalizing gay marriage, safe injection sites, abortion, no-fault 
divorce and any number of sociological lib/left experiments that have 
proven beyond any doubt their society-destroying capabilities. 
Canada: Where the demands of the individual trump the greater good 
every time. Pity.


Michael Coren states that "alcohol can be used responsibly, whereas 
any use of cannabis makes one incapable." It is quite obvious that 
Mr. Coren has never used marijuana, and therefore is in no position 
to comment on its effects. Fact is, cannabis can be used every bit as 
responsibly as alcohol. I guess he makes the assumption that all of 
us pot smokers are incapable of exercising control over the amount of 
the drug we ingest, and quite frankly I find the remark insulting.


I agree with Michael Coren. Marijuana is not a benign substance. It 
cannot be used responsibly and therefore needs to remain illegal. I 
have no sympathy for anyone who actually gets charged with and 
convicted of possession (of which there are far too few). They were 
all well aware of the consequences beforehand.


My husband and I are on medical marijuana and we think it should be 
legalized. The police should be arresting people who rape and kill 
and kidnap and do harder drugs.


Marijuana is a DRUG in case most of you haven't noticed. Do you think 
for one minute that alcohol or tobacco would have been made legal 
knowing what we know now? I don't think so. Now research is starting 
to show that marijuana is not the harmless substance the majority of 
Canadians think it is. It should remain illegal. However, simple 
possession should be the subject of a fine or community service.

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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom