Pubdate: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 Source: Summit Daily News (CO) Copyright: 2007 Summit Daily News Contact: Website: Details: Author: Rich Moore Referenced: Bookmark: (Cocaine) CITIZENS HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT The story "Aspen cocaine case may not hold up" (SDN Aug. 8) made my blood boil. This rookie cop decides to become supercop by violating the rights of the citizens. Here is a fact: A citizen of this nation does not have to "keep talking" to police under any circumstances. The article says that the cop kept insisting that Greengrass keep talking to him: This is a violation of the law. No citizen is required to speak with any cop whatsoever, the right to remain silent is absolute. The cop had no busines demanding conversation from the accused, none at all. The fact that the cop had to badger the defendant into chatting to try and find some probable cause means he had no case at all. Suspicion is not reasonable grounds to believe that a crime had been committed. People may exchange anything or nothing and unless the cop has real cause to believe that a crime has occurred then he had a legal imperative to leave the citizens alone. To demand conversation was illegal, and to insist on keeping a citizen in custody and not free to leave because he would not speak to a cop for long enough is illegal and unconstitutional. Rich Moore Franklin, N.C. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman