Pubdate: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Copyright: 2007 Times Colonist Contact: Details: Author: Brent Zettl HEALTH CANADA POT WORTH EVERY PENNY Re: "Trial to hear testimony from senator who backed marijuana legalization," Aug. 10. The article states that "critics" claim the Health Canada pot is of poor quality. Who are the critics and what business interests do they represent? The compassion clubs charge twice as much ($10 per gram) as Health Canada does ($5 per gram). What do the patients get for $5 a gram, from Health Canada marijuana? It has 12.5 per cent THC, plus or minus two per cent, determined by a validated analysis. This is not the highest THC available, but it meets or exceeds street product for THC 75 to 80 per cent of the time. The product is tested for 29 metals, a range of microbial tests including aflatoxins and has a moisture content of less than 15 per cent. It is packaged in airtight foil pouches. Tests are posted on Health Canada's website. There is no other marijuana in the world that meets this rigid safety specification. What we have difficulty understanding is how the black market justifies a price of $10 per gram and still claims to be compassionate. Brent Zettl, president, Prairie Plant Systems, Saskatoon. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman