Pubdate: Tue, 8 Jan 2008
Source: Press Democrat, The (Santa Rosa, CA)
Copyright: 2008 The Press Democrat
Author: Mike Geniella, The Press Democrat
Bookmark: (Marijuana - California)
Bookmark: (Marijuana - Medicinal)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


A landmark 2000 Mendocino County marijuana measure will be back 
before voters in the June primary, a move taken Tuesday by the Board 
of Supervisors after a contentious three-hour public hearing.

"It's a big step toward regaining control of our county," said Ross 
Liberty of Ukiah, one of the organizers of a drive to repeal Measure G.

County supervisors decided 4-1 to put the fate of Measure G up for 
voter review over the objections of longtime local advocates of 
decriminalization of pot for personal and medical uses.

Measure G garnered national attention seven years ago by becoming the 
first measure in the United States to allow an individual to grow up 
to 25 plants for personal use without fear of prosecution. It paved 
the way for locally liberal law enforcement policies surrounding 
medical marijuana use.

But the measure since has been blamed for a surge in local pot 
production under the guise of medical marijuana use and a host of 
crime-related problems that have taxed law enforcement agencies.

The board's vote Tuesday allowed proponents of Measure G's repeal to 
avoid a lengthy and potentially costly signature-gathering process to 
qualify the measure for the ballot. Supporters presented the board 
with petitions bearing the names of 942 registered voters in support 
of a second look at Measure G.

Besides deciding to put Measure G on the ballot, the board in a 
separate action also imposed a 25-plant limit per parcel of property 
on licensed medical marijuana providers. The parcel limit is seen as 
a way to clamp down on a proliferation of large marijuana 
plantations, some totaling 10,000 plants or more. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake