Pubdate: Thu, 17 Jan 2008
Source: Edmonton Sun (CN AB)
Copyright: 2008 Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Bill Kushniryk
Note: Parenthetical remark by the Sun editor, headline by newshawk.


Re: Curtis Ledger's sarcastic Wednesday letter about Marc Emery. I 
heard Emery on a talk show, and his excuse is that this is a 
"victimless" crime, so he feels he did nothing wrong. Perhaps he 
should have a conversation with the families of some of the young 
people who started experimenting with this "harmless" substance, and 
eventually graduated to much worse ones. Who are these pro-pot 
advocates trying to kid? It seems that their entire lives are based 
on smoking the next joint.

Bill Kushniryk

(What about tobacco?)
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