Pubdate: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 Source: Patriot Ledger, The (Quincy, MA) Copyright: 2008 The Patriot Ledger Contact: Details: Author: Adam Riglian Bookmark: (Students - United States) Bookmark: (Cannabis) STUDENT DRINKING EXCEEDS NATIONAL AVERAGE Study Also Shows Higher Pot Smoking Rate At Pembroke High PEMBROKE - Nearly half of Pembroke High School students have drunk alcohol and more than a quarter have smoked marijuana in the last month, according to figures from a regional health advocacy group. The Southeast Center for Healthy Communities study found that 48.3 percent of Pembroke High students had used alcohol and 25.7 percent had smoked marijuana in the past 30 days. Studies done at the high school and middle school and a survey of parents were discussed during a Pembroke Community Youth Alliance meeting on Thursday. The study, which surveyed roughly 90 percent of students, puts high school students in Pembroke above national averages in alcohol and marijuana use by between 3 and 4 percentage points. The students also were above the Massachusetts average for alcohol use but below the state average for marijuana use. Cigarette smoking by Pembroke students was also below the state average, at 17.5 percent of students. Most troubling for Pembroke High Principal Ruth Lynch was that 30 percent of high school seniors said they had driven under the influence in the past 30 days. The state average is 17 percent. "The number of students that are drinking and driving, I'm very concerned about that," Lynch said. "I've worked in other high schools, and the most painful experience a principal can go through is the death of a student, and when it is related to drugs or alcohol, it's just tragic." A meeting has been scheduled for 7 p.m. Jan. 30 at the Pembroke Public Library so residents can talk about how to respond to the survey results. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom