Pubdate: Thu, 24 Jan 2008
Source: Hartlepool Mail (UK)
Copyright: 2008 Northeast Press Ltd.
Author: Karen Faughey
Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom)
Bookmark: (Cocaine)


DRUGS worth UKP650,000 have been taken off the streets in a series of 
police raids in just three months - with many on the back of tip-offs 
from the public.

Officers from Hartlepool's district drugs unit have taken the fight 
to the town's dealers after carrying out the successful drugs raids 
on a number of houses over the past three months.

Today Hartlepool Police praised the general public for their 
co-operation in tipping off officers about any suspicions they may 
have in their community.

And the drugs unit are optimistic that the recent crackdown will gain 
even more momentum, as beat officers begin to gain the trust of their 

Detective Sergeant John Hemsworth said: "Our success is mainly down 
to the intelligence being received by police and PCSOs coming from 
members of the public.

"The fact that we are increasing patrols in the Hartlepool area means 
we are liaising more with members of the community and people are 
getting more confidence to report suspicious drugs activity, as they 
see the number of successes we are having - as reported in the 
Hartlepool Mail."

In the last three months police have raided no fewer than nine 
properties in Hartlepool - where drugs with a street value of 
UKP649,000 have been seized.

This includes the town's biggest ever drugs haul in November 2007 
when UKP500,000 worth of cannabis was recovered at the former M.A.S. 
Agraa Palace Indian restaurant in Lynn Street.

At the time of the discovery, Detective Chief Inspector Paul Beddow 
said: "We are not just talking about a handful of plants here. This 
is an operation that was conducted over three floors using a lot of 
complex equipment to cultivate the crop."

Jin Rui Gao, of Lynn Street, was arrested and charged with producing 
a class C drug and is expected to appear at Teesside Crown Court on 
the week commencing Monday, March 10.



January 22, 2008 - UKP35,000 of suspected cocaine and UKP25,000 worth 
of cannabis plants found at a house in Stockton Road, Hartlepool.

January 16, 2008 - A man is arrested after UKP3,500 of suspected 
cannabis is found during a raid on a house in Christopher Street, Hartlepool.

January 11, 2008 - Police uncover a cannabis farm worth UKP10,000 
whilst carrying out a raid on a house in Jesmond Gardens, Hartlepool.

January 9, 2008 - A community police officers sniffs out UKP20,000 
worth of cannabis plants whilst walking past a house in Sheriff 
Street, Hartlepool.

January 7, 2008 - A cannabis farm with an estimated value of UKP2,500 
is found in a bedroom at a house in Kimberley Street, Hartlepool.

November 28, 2007 - Cannabis plants with a street value of more than 
UKP20,000 are discovered in a house in Brafferton Street, Hartlepool.

November 6, 2007 - Police smash a UKP500,000 drug farm at the former 
M.A.S. Agraa Palace Indian restaurant in Lynn Street, Hartlepool - 
the town's biggest ever seizure.

October 23, 2007 - Drugs with a street value of UKP30,000 are 
discovered during a house raid in the Rossmere area of Hartlepool.

October 22, 2007 - Officers recover UKP3,000 of what is believed to 
be crack cocaine and 1,000 unidentified tablets from a house in 
Stephen Street, Hartlepool, after a tip off from the public.

Total seized - at least UKP649,0000. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake