Pubdate: Thu, 24 Jan 2008
Source: Lancashire Evening Post (UK)
Copyright: 2008 Lancashire Evening Post
Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom)
Bookmark: (Treatment)


More than 120 Lancashire teenagers were referred for cannabis abuse 
treatment in a year, it has been revealed.

The National Drug Treatment Monitoring System figures reveal in 
2005-06 126 under-18s in the Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health 
Authority area were referred for drug treatment in a bid to stop them 
taking cannabis.

Health experts today told of the potential dangers of the drug, while 
one MP said the figures are further evidence the Government's 
"experiment" in reclassifying the drug from class B to class C had failed.

Last year a further 1,949 under-18s across the newly formed North 
West SHA area were given treatment for use of the drug.

These are the latest statistics to provide insight into the scale of 
the cannabis problem in the county.

In addition to the under-18 figures, 349 over-18s were referred for 
treatment in the county's SHA area, the 2005-6 figures show.

Ribble Valley Conservative MP Nigel Evans, a former chairman of the 
All-Party Drugs Misuse Group, said: "It is incredibly worrying and, I 
suspect, the tip of the iceberg.

"I think the Government has now made several indications that they 
are prepared to reclassify it back to class B and my only question is 
why are they dithering?

"The experiment has failed dismally and I don't want to read another 
proposal that they are thinking about it.

"They just need to do it."

Tom Woodcock, strategic director of Lancashire Drug and Alcohol 
Action Team, said: "People can develop a cannabis habit very quickly 
and regular use can be harmful.

"It can trigger mental health problems, it can also affect personal 
relationship and have a negative impact in education and work."

Across England 16,685 over-18s and 9,259 under-18s were referred for 
cannabis treatment last year.

Cannabis was reclassified from class B to class C in 2004.

But increasing evidence of the harm the drug can cause has led to 
growing calls for the decision to be reversed. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake