Pubdate: Tue, 02 Dec 2008 Source: Observer, The (CN ON) Copyright: 2008, OSPREY Media Group Inc. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Neil Bowen Bookmark: (Cannabis) SMART BOY MAKES DUMB MOVE An A-plus college student who risked his future for a weekend of pot smoking walked away from a Sarnia court without a criminal record Monday. The 21-year-old from Caledonia, Ont. pleaded guilty to marijuana possession July 12 in Warwick. He was one of three young men who had been drinking when police stopped a vehicle near Arkona. The student had three grams of marijuana in his pocket and 200 grams were found in the trunk. The man had no knowledge of the 200 grams, defence lawyer David Stoesser said. Another man in the vehicle was convicted and fined for the large amount. Stoesser sought a discharge for the Caledonia man because a criminal record would damage a looming technology career. For a young man of high intelligence, according to reference letters from college professors and employers, he did "some awfully dumb things," federal prosecutor Michael Robb said. Justice Mark Hornblower said the young man put his future at risk. A drug conviction would hamper employment with global companies counting on employees to travel the world, he said. The discharge will leave him without a criminal record. "If I am never back before a court, I will be a happy man," the young man said. It is the Observer's policy not to identify an accused granted a discharge. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin