Pubdate: Mon, 15 Dec 2008
Source: Chatham Daily News, The (CN ON)
Copyright: 2008 OSPREY Media Group Inc.
Author: Aaron Hall


Uniway Head Leading Local Effort

A drug strategy for Chatham-Kent is in the works.

Chatham Coun. Marjorie Crew said a group of volunteers has been
meeting throughout the last year to formulate a plan to combat issues
dealing with illicit drugs across the Municipality.

"We've decided to go with a four pillar approach . . . prevention,
treatment, enforcement and harm reduction, " Crew said.

"Our guiding principles will be based on these four

The formation of the group stemmed from a meeting held by the
Addiction Network for the Erie St. Clair Local Health Integration
Network in November last year, Crew said. A task force was formed in
the three counties of the local LHIN.

Crew said it was important to create a drug strategy specifically for
C-K in order to contribute to the plan.

"Drugs impact all of us," Crew said.

"Every drug strategy is different and should be specific to the
individual community."

Crew said a "very impressive group" attended an open forum on Oct. 22,
including former drug users, medical staff, judicial employees and
community volunteers.

She said the group will be split into four groups focusing on creating
definitions for each individual pillar.

"We're hoping the pillars will be integrated and complement each
other," Crew said.

"We will all have to work together."

Jumping on board with the initiative was the United Way of

Karen Kirkwood-Whyte, executive director for the United Way of C-K,
said the local group's involvement stems from its change in focus.

She said the United Way has gone from a traditional style, where
individual lives are impacted, to a community impact United Way where
an impact on social conditions are felt.

Kirkwood-Whyte said she agreed to chair the drug strategy group
because "it fits with our community impact agenda."

"It has been a real eye opener to hear and witness the harsh realities
of drug abuse and misuse," she said.

Currently the group consists of 44 people and the goal is to make a
preliminary presentation to C-K council in May or June, Kirkwood-Whyte

She said educating the community on drugs will go a long way towards
the strategy's success.

"People really do care and everybody has something to give," she

Crew said the drug strategies developed by United Ways in Windsor and
Sarnia are being used as a template for the C-K model.

The group is set to meet in January.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin