Pubdate: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 Source: Nanaimo Daily News (CN BC) Copyright: 2008 Nanaimo Daily News Contact: Details: Author: Wes Strickland Referenced: NEEDLE EXCHANGE LOCATION VERY FAR FROM IDEAL Re: 'Needle exchange plan draws MLA's fire' (Daily News, Dec. 12) I was at the same meeting on Wednesday morning as was Jane Templeman and I read her statements in your article. She must have been at some other meeting because she got an earful from each and every resident, business and property owner present. The way our city hall has handled this, one has to wonder if we as citizens of Nanaimo can expect a needle exchange to be located next to every school in Nanaimo, since this proposed location is next to a school. Nanaimo and the Port Authority are about to spend $50 million on new dock facilities to handle the cruise ships visiting Nanaimo. The cruise ship industry considers a needle exchange as a "red zone." This means that all cruise ship passengers will be told not to enter one of these areas. The red zone will be plainly marked on the city map given to each passengers disembarking in Nanaimo. We do appreciate the hard work that MLA Ron Cantelon is doing on our behalf but at the same time we are considering legal action to stop this as well. These so-called happy neighbours talked about in the news article are the very same ones willing to hire a law firm to fight this. We are also disappointed in the city officials who chose to be a part of this secret process. Wes Strickland Nanaimo - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin