Pubdate: Thu, 31 Jan 2008
Source: Regina Leader-Post (CN SN)
Copyright: 2008 The Leader-Post Ltd.


A 23-year-old man has been ordered deported to China after admitting 
his part in tending a marijuana crop late last year.

Jianbao Lin appeared in custody at Regina Provincial Court on 
Wednesday and listened to the proceedings with the help of an interpreter.

Acting as an agent for the federal Crown, Hal Wellsch told court Lin 
was arrested after police busted a marijuana grow operation in the 
Earl Grey area on Dec. 19.

Police located Lin at a Regina house which was raided as part of the 
bust, and he admitted to police that he had helped tend the plants on 
a few occasions.

Defence lawyer Brian Banilevic said Lin came to Canada from China to 
take English classes at the University of Regina. However when Lin's 
student visa expired in March 2007, Lin was left unsure of what to do.

"My client had created a bit of a limbo for himself," Banilevic said.

Lin then started renting a room from a man he'd met, and later agreed 
to help the man by watering the crop of 195 marijuana plants.

Banilevic said Lin wasn't part of the operation or profiting from it 
in any way, and police only learned of his involvement when searching 
the Regina house where Lin was living. Lin doesn't have a previous 
criminal record.

Lin has been in custody since his arrest, and Judge Leslie Halliday 
accepted a joint recommendation by the Crown and defence for a 
sentence of time served.

An immigration official was in court during the proceedings, and 
Banilevic said Lin will be deported as soon as arrangements can be made.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart