Pubdate: Mon, 04 Feb 2008
Source: Tulsa World (OK)
Copyright: 2008 World Publishing Co.
Author: Staff Reports


All students at Bishop Kelley High School will be  tested for drug 
use beginning in the 2008-09 school  year.

The school's advisory council and administration  recently approved 
the new policy that will use hair  testing to reveal illegal drug use 
by students.

The test identifies cocaine, marijuana, opiates,  methamphetamine, 
Ecstasy, Eve and phencyclidine,  Principal Alan Weyland said.

"The sample of hair that we will be taking will give us  a 90-day 
history of activity in relation to use of a  variety of drugs," Weyland said.

A $60 fee will be added to tuition costs to pay for the  test, which 
will be administered once during the fall  to all students and 
randomly throughout the rest of the  school year, he said.

If a student tests positive for drugs, Weyland said  only he and the 
dean of students will know, and getting  treatment for a substance 
abuse problem will be the  main response.

"We're not trying to catch anybody. If this is going to  help you get 
help, and if it's going to work to keep  you off of something, then 
all the better," Weyland  said.

But if a student has a second positive test for drugs  during four 
years of high school, he or she will be  asked to leave the school, he said.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart