Pubdate: Wed, 06 Feb 2008
Source: Navasota Examiner (TX)
Copyright: 2008 The Navasota Examiner
Author: Dave Kucifer
Bookmark: (Drug Testing)
Bookmark: (Students - United States)


Over 75 parents, students, members of the medical  field, law 
enforcement community and other interested  parties, along with some 
Navasota ISD personnel, turned  out Monday night to voice their 
support for a drug  testing program for NISD students involved in 
extracurricular activities.

The special NISD Board of Trustee workshop session in  the high 
school library featured a presentation by  Allyson Collins, Senior 
Attorney for the Texas  Association of School Boards who discussed 
the process of the testing procedures and just which students can  be 
randomly tested and how the test can be  administered.

Prior to hearing for Collins the board took comments  from the 
audience, all of whom favored a drug-testing  program for Navasota 
students. The board heard from  several parents and community members 
as well as from  Dr. C.H. Prihoda, Grimes County Child Welfare 
chairperson Beth Downing and Justice of the Peace, Pct  1, John LeFore.

Dr. Prihoda encouraged the board to give serious  consideration to 
implementing a comprehensive testing  plan, saying it is necessary if 
students involved in  drugs are to receive help. Mrs. Downing also 
asked the  board to find funds for the program and cited recent  drug 
related arrests as indications of drug problem.

"Part of providing a quality education is providing a  safe 
environment for students. A drug testing program  would go a long way 
in making Navasota campus' safer,"  she said.

LeFore, long an advocate of drug testing in schools  said he deals 
with student drug offenders on a regular  basis. "If the school had a 
testing plan in place some  of the students who come before him might 
be helped  through treatment," LeFore said.

The JP went to say the abuse of prescription drugs is  increasing, 
presenting another problem. "We have to do  something to bring things 
into order," he said.

In making her presentation, concerning the legal issues  of student 
drug testing, Collins said existing laws  would only allow mandatory 
random drug testing of  student athletes and for students in all 
extracurricular activities, not an entire student body.  Other 
students can be tested if it is suspicion-based.  According to the 
material distributed by Collins a drug  test is a search and rules 
for a lawful search must be  followed.

According to information furnished by Collins testing  cost would be 
between $10 and $50 dollars depending on  the drugs tested for. 
Testing for steroids would be an  additional $100-$150. While the 
district would have to  find funds to implement a testing program 
they were  told grants were available.

After hearing the comments and presentation Board  president Bob 
Blalock explained the meeting was a  workshop and not action would be taken.

"We appreciate the interest shown. We'll take what  we've heard 
tonight and work on developing a program  for the NISD," he said.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom