Pubdate: Thu, 07 Feb 2008
Source: Dallas Morning News (TX)
Copyright: 2008 The Dallas Morning News
Authors: Laurence Iliff, And Alfredo Corchado / The Dallas Morning News


Crackdowns Pushing Cartels Into Capital, Against Government

MEXICO CITY - Long a meeting place for Mexican drug cartels and their 
Colombian suppliers, this sprawling capital is now on the front lines 
of the government's drug war after the discovery of paramilitary 
narco cells planning a high-level assassination with possible 
collaboration of city police and former army soldiers.

The cells, uncovered in upscale neighborhoods favored by politicians 
and entertainers, had huge stockpiles of high-powered weapons, 
including grenade- and rocket-launchers, designed to penetrate the 
highest level of armor. Also Online Juarez locked in deadly power 
struggle over drug cartels "Mexico City was a peaceful place for 
narcos, as they coexisted with the government. But now it's beginning 
to look a lot like Bogota," said Raul Benitez, a military and 
national security expert at the National Autonomous University. 
"Mexico City residents are not used to this kind of narco-violence, 
and that's sending shock waves across the population."

In the latest incident, the editor of El Real newspaper was shot to 
death Thursday as he drove in the Mexico City suburb of Chimalhuacan. 
And on Wednesday, Mexican authorities said they seized more than two 
tons of ephedrine - a chemical used to make amphetamines - at the 
capital's international airport, which has become an important 
transit point for drugs and weapons.

The ephedrine had been shipped from China in 155 boxes and was 
destined, through the Mexican Postal Service, for clandestine labs in 
the states of Colima, Jalisco, Aguascalientes, Michoacan and Mexico, 
officials said. The latest military crackdown against cartels began 
Jan. 1 in cities like Nuevo Laredo, a Gulf cartel stronghold, and 
Culiacan, a Sinaloa cartel stronghold. The pressure may be pushing 
cartel operatives to more anonymous settings, such as the Mexico City 
metropolitan area, with its 18 million people. After one raid late 
last month in the nation's capital, the head of intelligence for the 
capital's Judicial Police resigned amid reports that he was being 
investigated for allegedly providing bulletproof vests to a Sinaloa 
cartel hit squad that had set up shop in a tony southern Mexico City 

In another recent bust, active police officers and former soldiers 
allegedly confessed to planning the assassination of a high-level 
official in the attorney general's office who has overseen the record 
number of extraditions of drug lords to the U.S.

The official, Jose Luis Santiago Vasconcelos, said his would-be 
assassins were likely working for the Sinaloa cartel, but they could 
have been working the Gulf cartel based on the Mexico-Texas border.

"I don't think I'm the most popular guy with any of them," he said in 
a radio interview.

Bigger battles Analysts and officials say the recent activities show 
the rapid "Colombianization" of Mexico, a reference to the Colombian 
cartels' attacks on high-level law enforcement, judges, politicians 
and journalists during the 1980s and early 1990s in the city's top 
cities, including the capital, Bogota. And it's no longer just 
cartels battling each other for territory and control of smuggling 
routes, but cartels battling the government in the face of the crackdown.

"There's no difference between a Pablo Escobar in Colombia and a 
Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano," said a U.S. anti-drug official, comparing 
the fallen Colombian drug capo to Mr. Lazcano, the alleged head of 
the Zetas, the paramilitary enforcement arm of the Gulf cartel. The 
Zetas have adopted violent confrontations with the government, much 
like their Colombian counterparts did in retaliation for the 
extradition of South American drug figures to the U.S.

President Felipe Calderon's government is unwavering in its 
crackdown, Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora vowed in a meeting 
with citizen groups that demanded results in their Mexico City 
neighborhoods. "There will be no retreat," said Mr. Medina Mora. "We 
are not going to take a step back."

But in Mexico City, tough words will be increasingly scrutinized. "On 
the border, the national media tend to ignore these issues," Mr. 
Medina Mora said. "That won't be the case here, and that will pose 
great risks for Calderon if he doesn't deliver."

Mexico City has long suffered from high levels of street crime and 
police corruption, but it had been relatively immune from the daily 
killings and cartel turf wars that have become features of border 
cities like Nuevo Laredo, Ciudad Juarez and Tijuana.

Last week, Mayor Marcelo Ebrard met with Bogota's former mayor, 
Antanas Mokus, and solicited advice on dealing with the security 
challenges ahead. The nation's capital has historically been a haven 
for drug traffickers, some of whom have lived side by side with some 
of the nation's elite. It's a place for financial operations and 
other transactions. In August and September of last year, three of 
Mexico's most wanted were captured in Mexico City, including Juan 
Carlos de la Cruz Reyna, the alleged Gulf cartel link to Colombian 
suppliers, who were also arrested having lunch in the upscale Polanco 

In mid-January, the Mexico City newspaper Reforma cited a city 
government study that said a police cartel was involved in moving 
drugs through the capital's international airport.

Recent drug seizures at the airport have sparked apparent retaliation 
against private customs brokers via al-Qaeda-style beheadings. After 
the Dec. 12 seizure of a half-ton of cocaine at the airport, three 
such brokers were executed and two of them had their heads severed, 
airport officials said. Allegedly, the Gulf cartel and its Zetas were 
involved in those killings. Amid the growing violence, more than 500 
city police have been stationed at the newly expanded international 
airport, the target of narco-traffickers fighting for control, 
officials say. An airport spokesman insisted the airport is safe for 
all passengers.

Conflicting reports Mexico City police officials have differed on the 
level of penetration of the narcos, with Police Chief Joel Ortega 
acknowledging the phenomenon and Attorney General Rodolfo Felix 
Cardenas saying there is no evidence the cartels have set up shop in 
the capital.

"We don't know if they are operating continuously in Mexico City," 
the city attorney general told reporters.

Despite the assurances, Ricardo McGregor, the head of intelligence 
for the attorney general's Judicial Police, resigned late last month 
after federal officials said he was under investigation on suspicion 
of providing the bulletproof vests seized in a recent raid on alleged 
Sinaloa operatives. Mr. McGregor denied any wrongdoing and said he 
stepped down to facilitate the investigation. He said that the 
bulletproof vests were stolen from an armored car company that he 
used to work for, but that it happened during an armed robbery on the 
streets of Mexico City.

Up to 30 agents in the unit then failed to show up for work, 
according to media reports.

Meanwhile, neighbors of the narcos in Mexico City were caught 
off-guard by the discovery of narco cells next door.

Along the cobblestone streets of San Angel, Jardines del Pedregal and 
Coyoacan they spoke in hushed tones and asked their names not be used 
for fear of retaliation.

A 41-year-old woman walking her dog in Coyoacan remarked, "I'm sure 
there are hundreds of other houses packed with narcos. We're not 
alone." A mile away in San Angel, a 71-year-old whispered, "Dios mio! 
I'm afraid to leave my house, and we're not on the border."

News assistant Javier Garcia contributed to this report. 2008 DRUG 
KILLINGS Chihuahua, 53* Sinaloa, 48 Guerrero, 22 Michoacan, 20 Mexico 
state, 16 Nuevo Leon, 15* Tamaulipas, 15* Baja California, 13 
Durango, 13 Coahuila, 12* Federal District (Mexico City), 11 Chiapas, 
9 San Luis Potosi, 8 Quintana Roo, 7 Jalisco, 6 Sonora, 5 Hidalgo, 4 
Tabasco, 3 Veracruz, 2 Yucatan, 2 *States that border Texas SOURCES: 
Dallas Morning News research; state police
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom