Pubdate: Sun, 10 Feb 2008
Source: Herald Sun (Australia)
Copyright: 2008 Herald and Weekly Times
Author: Liam Houlihan
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


AN amphetamine lab is being busted in Melbourne's  suburbs every five 
days under a police crackdown to  prevent a gangland revival.

Victoria Police uncovered 74 drug operations last year  - more than 
double the number three years before - and  another seven last month.

Senior police have told of the push to keep pressure on  the 
underworld speed and ice market.

"We don't want a situation where the market is that  lucrative that 
we've got power plays between organised  crime groups," said Det-Supt 
Jack Blayney of the Crime  Department.

"They have been more focused on expanding their  business and 
eliminating other people for the business.

"What we would like to see is them more worried about us."

A Sunday Herald Sun investigation into Melbourne's drug  landscape 
has also found:

CRIME bosses are luring chemical scientists to become  amphetamine cooks.

CHILDREN are present in one-fifth of the labs and are  exposed to 
carcinogenic fumes and explosive  ingredients.

CRIMINALS have masqueraded as chemists and drug company 
representatives to obtain bulk amphetamine 
precursor  pseudoephedrine, which is used in flu tablets.

The removal of several high-profile figures from the  drug market has 
left low-level cooking rings and  sophisticated operations fighting 
for the spoils.

Almost 1.5 million people in Australia have taken amphetamines.

But police warn that users are often taking a chemical  cocktail of 
solvents and ammonia made in filthy  equipment.

"Anyone who takes an illicit drug is basically taking a  great risk 
because they don't know what's been put into  it," Det-Supt Blayney said.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom