Pubdate: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Copyright: 2008 Times Colonist Contact: Details: Author: Matthew M. Elrod Referenced: GROW-OP NOT LIKE MAYERTHORPE Contrary to columnist Iain Hunter's recollections, a botched "grow-op" raid in Surrey that resulted in seized cannabis plants being ruled inadmissible was not analogous to the botched stakeout in Mayerthorpe, Alta. ("Judges must think police work in a fantasy world," Feb 9). In Mayerthorpe, the grow-op was incidental to the investigation and entry into buildings had been made many hours before the four police officers were fatally ambushed. The botched raid in Surrey was more like the botched raid of the vessel MV Bakur off the coast of B.C. in 2006, in which 1,630 kilograms of cannabis found onboard was ruled inadmissible due to improper police procedures. Thankfully, the botched raid in Surrey was not like a botched raid in Abbotsford in 1999, when police burst into a child's birthday party with guns drawn and shot the family dog, or a botched raid in North Vancouver in 1994, when police entered the home of Daniel Possee and shot him dead for brandishing a remote control, or the botched raid in Montreal last year, in which the occupant mistook the police for home invaders and fatally shot police Const. Daniel Tessier, a 42-year-old father of two. Matthew M. Elrod Victoria - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom