Pubdate: Wed, 13 Feb 2008
Source: Regina Leader-Post (CN SN)
Copyright: 2008 The Leader-Post Ltd.
Author: Janelle Buchanan


It was good to read the article "More youths are choosing not to 
light up" (Leader-Post, Jan. 22). It was somewhat misleading as it 
only pertains to tobacco use. My 15-year-old daughter tells me more 
kids smoke weed than smoke regular cigarettes. It's not that she's a 
big partier. It's just reality. We've done a great job with 
advertising to convince kids that cigarettes can be hazardous to 
their health, but we haven't done such a good job warning them about 
the perils of marijuana. I heard recently some drug dealers soak 
their weed in meth to get kids hooked on the bigger drugs. Have our 
kids even been warned? Can we put some energy and tax dollars behind 
helping our kids continue to make the healthy choices they seem to be 
making with tobacco?

Janelle Buchanan

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