Pubdate: Fri, 22 Feb 2008
Source: Edmonton Sun (CN AB)
Copyright: 2008 Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Nicki Thomas


Drug Paraphernalia For Sale At Local Dollar Store  Outrages

A city woman is outraged after she discovered cheap  drug
paraphernalia for sale at a store across the  street from a skateboard

While her 13-year-old nephew spent Tuesday afternoon at  Avenue
Skatepark at 118 Avenue and 90 Street, Natasha  Dunphy, 19, went to a
dollar store across the street  with her nephew's mother.

The women couldn't believe their eyes when they saw  several different
types of glass pipes for sale at the  counter.

"I thought it was disgusting. It makes it seem like  they're
supporting drug use," said Dunphy.

An employee working at Canadian Dollar Store-Grocery  said the pipes
are used for tobacco and are sold all  along 118 Avenue.

But Dunphy said there's no mistaking the pipes for  tobacco products.
The pipes are used to smoke  marijuana, crack and meth, she said.

Police spokesman Jeff Wuite said this isn't the first  time they've
had complaints about glass pipes being  sold in convenience stores.

"Unfortunately, it's not illegal to sell them or else  we'd be telling
them to stop," he said.

Wuite explained that police have a hard time  prosecuting this kind of
thing because they can't prove  the pipes are being sold for drug use.

"You could still smoke tobacco or just have it as a  novelty or
something like that. In order for something  to be classified as
paraphernalia, usually it means  there's drug residue in it and of
course, with a brand  new pipe that wouldn't be the case," he said.

"I don't think they should be allowed to sell them,"  said Dunphy,
adding that she's started a Facebook group  to raise awareness about
the problem.

Wuite encouraged anyone who finds the pipes for sale to  let police
know and to also express their disapproval  to the store owner.

"Use your consumer power," he said.
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MAP posted-by: Derek