Pubdate: Wed, 05 Mar 2008
Source: Province, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2008 The Province
Bookmark: (Harm Reduction)
Bookmark: (Insite)


Is B.C.'S Safe-Injection Site Legal Or Not?

UNITED NATIONS (CNS) -- The head of the United Nations drug-control 
agency wants Insite, Vancouver's safe-injection site, closed. The 
International Narcotics Control Board is calling on Canada to ban 
various community-backed programs that enable illicit drug use, 
including Insite.

It also wants to stop "safer crack kits" being handed out.

"We want the government of Canada to be in compliance with [its] 
treaty obligations, but there is an internal problem, and we would 
urge the government of Canada to sort [it] out," agency head, Dr. 
Philip Emafo, said

The UN body says Insite contravenes a 1961 treaty Canada signed that 
says countries should pass laws ensuring drugs are used only for 
medical or scientific purposes.

Last year, Insite was granted a special exemption from federal 
drug-enforcement laws, to last until June 30.

Insite has appealed to the B.C. Supreme Court to rule it is a health 
facility that is therefore constitutionally under provincial jurisdiction.

Insite has argued that the UN narcotics-control board itself called 
for a legal opinion from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, which 
found that harm-reduction programs do not violate treaties.

"It's clear from the legal brief that Insite is in compliance, and 
all it's doing is providing an intake bridge to recovery for users," 
said Insite spokesman Nathan Allen.

The Vancouver Island Health Authority focused its "Safer Crack Kits" 
program on Nanaimo last year, but suspended the pilot project after 
community opposition.

However, the province's Centre for Disease Control is looking at 
adding similar kits for distribution throughout B.C., along with 
other "harm-reduction" supplies such as condoms and syringes.

Health Minister Tony Clement could not be reached for comment.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom