Pubdate: Tue, 11 Mar 2008
Source: Press Democrat, The (Santa Rosa, CA)
Copyright: 2008 The Press Democrat
Author: Mike Geniella, The Press Democrat
Bookmark: (Marijuana - California)
Bookmark: (Marijuana - Medicinal)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


Official's Statements Used by Opponents of Measure to Repeal Marijuana Law

UKIAH -- An escalating war of words is being waged over Mendocino 
County's Measure B, which if passed in the June primary will repeal 
the nation's first initiative to legalize personal marijuana use.

By refusing to take an official position on Measure B, Sheriff Tom 
Allman had hoped to stay out of a divisive debate. Emotions are 
running high over an underground marijuana economy that now dwarfs 
legitimate agriculture production including timber harvesting.

But because a pro-medical marijuana group decided to include past 
Allman comments in its ballot argument against Measure B, the sheriff 
has reiterated his stance:

"I am not taking any position. That's not my job," Allman said.

At issue are Allman quotes in a ballot argument submitted by 
opponents of Measure B.

Allman is quoted as saying that if county voters were to adopt more 
restrictive state standards, it "would be a burden on law enforcement."

Allman is also quoted as saying his deputies "will not be able to 
focus on any other public safety issue."

The sheriff doesn't deny making the statements reported in The Press 
Democrat a year ago. But he said they've since been taken out of context.

"We've already stepped up our enforcement against major marijuana 
growing. It's already a burden," Allman said.

Measure B proponents argue that marijuana cultivation in the county 
is "clearly out of control." They want Measure B passed in hopes of 
keeping crime-related problems in check, while erasing the county's 
national reputation as a haven for marijuana growers.

Measure B would repeal a 2000 initiative that legalizes personal use 
of marijuana, and makes enforcement of pot-related laws the "lowest 
priority" for local law enforcement.

The 2000 pot initiative was passed by a large margin, which led 
medical marijuana advocates to lobby former Sheriff Tony Craver and 
the late District Attorney Norman Vroman. Craver and Vroman 
eventually agreed to adopt a local standard allowing up to 25 plants 
per individual for medical use. In comparison, state standards called 
for no more than six plants per person.

Since 2000, marijuana production has soared in Mendocino County, as 
it has statewide despite continuing state and federal efforts to crack down.

The ballot argument in support of Measure B contends that the relaxed 
county standard "has made us a magnet for get-rich-quick growers who 
hide behind medical marijuana as a cover for commercial marijuana production."

Opponents in their ballot argument said they fear Measure B "is a 
backward step towards marijuana re-criminalization that targets 
small-scale, personal use growers." 
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