Pubdate: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 Source: DrugSense Weekly (DSW) Website: HOT OFF THE 'NET - ------------------ REPORT TO THE UN FROM THE "BEYOND 2008" VANCOUVER NGO CONSULTATION This consultation was held at the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Vancouver, British Columbia on February 4th & 5th, 2008. The report from the consultation has now been prepared and it can be downloaded here: - ------------------ MAINSTREAM MEDICINE HAS ENDORSED MEDICAL MARIJUANA By Dr. Jocelyn Elders (Former Surgeon General) An historic document from the 124,000-member American College of Physicians certifies the medical value of marijuana. Continues: - ------------------ SPITZER'S FALL SPARKS HOPE FOR OVERHAUL OF NEW YORK'S ROCKEFELLER DRUG LAWS By John Tarleton With a progressive new governor and state Republicans on the verge of extinction, New York may soon be ready to "drop the Rock". Continues: - ------------------ UPDATE ON COMMONWEALTH V. CUSICK AND STROUP By Keith Stroup, NORML Legal Director When the court clerk finally called our case, the judge almost immediately called the attorneys to a bench conference, where he quickly indicated he would not have the time to hold this evidentiary hearing, but that he would refer the case to another judge in another courtroom, and we would have our evidentiary hearing that very day. Continues: - ------------------ BARNEY FRANK AND NORML TEAM UP ON FEDERAL DECRIMINALIZATION LEGISLATION Washington, DC: US Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) has announced that he will shortly introduce legislation in Congress to strip the federal government of its authority to arrest responsible cannabis consumers. Representative Frank made the announcement Friday on the nationally syndicated television show, "Real Time With Bill Maher." Continues: Video: == CALLING B.S. ON THE IDEA OF 'MARIJUANA ADDICTION' By Paul Armentano It's laughable that the Feds are pushing the concept of pot addiction when science shows that withdrawal symptoms from caffeine are far worse. Continues: - ------------------ WHAT YOU CAN DO THIS WEEK - ------------------ MEDICAL MARIJUANA IN MICHIGAN - YEA OR NAY? DrugSense FOCUS Alert #362 - Monday, 24 March 2008 Earlier this month, the voters of Michigan succeeded in qualifying an initiative for the November election ballot. When passed by the voters on November 4th Michigan law will allow patients to use, possess, and grow their own marijuana for medical purposes with their doctors' approval. This will likely make Michigan the first medical marijuana state in the heartland, although there are bills pending in some other midwest states. Michigan is home to more than 10 million people. Of the states with current effective medical marijuana laws only California has a larger population. Continues: - ------------------ STUDENTS GET A RAW DEAL By Bill Piper Remember the Aid Elimination Penalty of the Higher Education Act we've been talking about? It's the federal law that denies student loans and other education assistance to students convicted of a drug law violation. Tens of thousands of students have been kicked out of college because of it, mostly for simple possession of marijuana. Momentum is building to repeal this unfair law this year, but we need your help. Continues: - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake