Pubdate: Mon, 14 Apr 2008
Source: Evening Chronicle (UK)
Copyright: 2008 Trinity Mirror Plc
Author: Adam Jupp
Bookmark: (Drug Dogs)


Scores of drug-taking revellers are being caught trying to sneak
illegal substances into bars and nightclubs.

Nearly 30 people every month are being arrested in Newcastle city
centre after being caught in possession of drugs by door staff.

And police are fighting back by sending sniffer dogs out on weekend
nights to probe party-goers they suspect of having substances on them.

The Chronicle joined officers as they took the dogs out for the first
time and toured popular nightspots, including the Gate, Times Square
and the Bigg Market.

City centre neighbourhood Sergeant Claire Lawson said: "People who
come to Newcastle just want to enjoy themselves and our job is to make
sure they do just that.

"However, we won't tolerate the small percentage who bring drugs into
the city centre, or whose bad behaviour starts to impact on other
people's enjoyment, and the dog is one of many pro-active tactics we

The Passive Alert Narcotics Detection Animal (PANDA) scans people for
the presence of drugs such as heroin, cocaine, ecstasy and
amphetamines, as well as date rape drugs.

If the dog detects a person is carrying drugs they will sit next to
them. Officers then have the power to search that person.

Officers have revealed they will be repeating the patrols throughout
the summer.

The operation was staged after 118 people were arrested in a
four-month period after being found in possession of drugs. They
include a 32-year-old man picked up when door supervisors at Destiny,
in the Bigg Market, overheard him discussing with friends he had
cocaine in his pocket.

Police were called, and he was searched and arrested and later
received a police caution. And just last weekend, staff in Digital, in
Times Square, and Yates Wine Lodge, in Grainger Street, apprehended
people in their toilets using drugs. A 23-year-old man was cautioned
for possession of Ecstasy tablets and a 20-year-old man received a
caution for having cocaine.

A 39-year-old woman was also arrested in the Bigg Market for being
drunk and disorderly last weekend and when she was searched, it
emerged she had amphetamines with her. She also received a caution.

Sgt Lawson added: "All these people mentioned have received cautions
because they had not previously been in trouble. However, the
important thing is, if they get caught again, they will go to court
and we want to say to people don't let that be you.

"We know a lot of people come to Newcastle on stag and hen parties. It
can be on these occasions when people may try drugs for the first
time. Don't celebrate your birthday with a conviction.

"The city centre also has a successful Pubwatch scheme - where
premises work together to share information instantly - which is
supported by door supervisors.

"It demonstrates that by working closely with our partners and the
community, we can continue to be successful in reducing crime and
disorder in Newcastle."

Coun Anita Lower, whose cabinet portfolio covers the licensing trade,
said: "Any initiative that helps improve public safety in the city
centre is a good initiative."

Mark Jones, chairman of Premium Bars and Restaurants, which runs bars
and nightclubs across the North East, said: "There is not a single pub
or nightclub owner who can say 'we are entirely drug free', but we do
all we can to prevent drugs getting into our premises.

"That is why we are very supportive of initiatives like this, which
send the right message to people going out in the city centre."
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin