Pubdate: Sat, 19 Apr 2008
Source: Dominion Post, The (New Zealand)
Copyright: 2008 The Dominion Post
Author: Anna Chalmers


THE Health Ministry has launched an investigation into "new 
generation" party pills rapidly filling shop shelves, amid reports 
that they are making users sick.

Dozens of new pill varieties, which are marketed as "BZP-free" after 
the outlawing of the substance this month, have appeared in outlets 
nationwide, including dairies and websites.

Many are sold without age restrictions and carry limited information 
about ingredients.

The Health Ministry has confirmed it is investigating and has 
arranged testing of the new-generation pills through Environmental 
Science and Research.

But the Drug Foundation has criticised officials for acting too 
slowly, particularly as reports emerge that users are suffering 
significant side effects, including vomiting.

Health Ministry public health chief adviser Ashley Bloomfield said 
staff had visited retailers and were monitoring websites and blogs to 
identify pills that were the "highest priority" for testing.

"We've got a number of substances that we're arranging to have tested by ESR."

Testing was likely to take weeks, he said.

A New Plymouth retailer told The Dominion Post some users had 
experienced nausea after using the new sensory-based substances.

"We've had very mixed feedback from all of them." Some had 
experienced very few effects, while others achieved a significant 
buzz, he said.

Many of the new pills are marketed as "herbal". Common ingredients 
include guarana, citrus aurantium, poppy seed, magnesium sterate and 
diacalcium phosphate.

ESR forensic toxicology science leader Paul Fitzmaurice said citrus 
aurantium was a source of synephrine - which is structurally similar 
to the controlled drug ephedrine.

Drug Foundation director Ross Bell said pill manufacturers' claims 
that the substances were "herbal" were untrue.

The huge array of substances available to all age groups was of great 
concern and officials needed to act quickly.

Health Minister Jim Anderton, who pushed for BZP to be made a class C 
drug, has said a "regrettable flaw" in the legal system allowed 
suppliers to sell pills without having to prove their safety.

A Law Commission review of the Misuse of Drugs Act would look at 
moving the burden of proof to manufacturers, he said.

Mr Bell said the commission's review should be made a priority. "We 
can't go through the same palaver again as we did with BZP."



HUMMER ENERGY PILLS, 3 tablets, $30

Contains: Hamelia patens, Pelargonium graveolens, Polygonum 
multiflorum, Paulinia cupana, Citrus aurantium, amino acids.

Description: Clean rush of energy. You will feel sociable, excitable 
and energised. Dancing is highly recommended.

ESR comment: Citrus Aurantium plant is a source of synephrine. 
Synephrine is structurally similar to ephedrine - controlled under 
the Misuse of Drugs Act - and causes similar stimulant effects on the 
nervous and circulatory systems.


Contains: Synthetic equivalent of geranium oil extract, poppy seed, 
magnesium sterate, diacalcium phosphate.

Description: For that euphoric sensory feel.

ESR comment: You would need to extract a large quantity of the 
correct type of poppy seeds to produce any significant amount of 
opium alkaloids. No other ingredients listed that would cause untoward effects. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake