Pubdate: Mon, 21 Apr 2008
Source: Star, The (Sheffield , UK)
Copyright: 2008 Sheffield Newspapers
Author: Mark Hookham
Bookmark: (Cocaine)


DAVID Blunkett has accused South Yorkshire Police of not using tough 
powers to close down a crack house which is blighting part of his constituency.

The Sheffield MP and former Home Secretary questioned why police are 
not dealing with an individual whose activity is making the lives of 
his neighbours a misery.

An area of Brightside is being "crippled by inaction against hard 
drug pushers and the scum they attract", Mr Blunkett said.

He urged police to use powers passed by the government which allows 
them to close down crack houses and confiscate proceeds of crime.

A senior officer in the force today said he was grateful Mr Blunkett 
had voiced his concerns but insisted the force was "always willing" 
to use all of its powers.

Mr Blunkett said: "It's no good passing laws if no one enforces them.

"That may be a statement of the obvious but at my weekend advice 
surgery it was clear how people's lives can be made a misery when 
enforcement doesn't happen."

He continued: "They painted a stark picture of drug dealing and 
prostitution; of damage to residents' cars by dealers and their 
clients; of a constant coming and going at all hours of night and 
day; of one woman being beaten up and dragged by her hair.

"All this seems to come from one tenant who thinks he is above the 
law. The police have powers. So why don't they use them?"

Mr Blunkett later told The Star the problems had been taking place 
for more than a year but he declined to identify the area.

Chief Superintendent Jon House said: "We are grateful to Mr Blunkett 
for raising his concerns. We are always willing to use our powers to 
deal with nuisance tenants.

"I would encourage Mr Blunkett or his constituent to contact the 
local Safer Neighbourhood Team as soon as possible."

During his time as Home Secretary, Mr Blunkett said one of the 
greatest challenges facing the nation was the "scourge of hard 
drugs," which destroyed lives and communities.
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