Pubdate: Tue, 13 May 2008
Source: River Valley News (CN NK)
Copyright: 2008 River Valley News
Author: J. Wayne McQueen


Dear Prime Minister,

Friday was a sad day for Canadians and those of us who want to be
assured that illegal drugs are kept away from our children and
grandchildren. This latest ruling from the Supreme Court is yet
another example just how out-of-touch with reality these people really
are. Becoming a lawyer does not mean for one second that a person is
smart, and being appointed as judge has more to do with having the
right political connections than anything else, it surely doesn't
imply intelligence. In fact this latest ruling actually shows just how
unintelligent these appointees really are.

When I read of this asinine ruling, I thought to myself , "What are
these people thinking when they would use their power to prevent
police from being able to do their job of combating illegal drugs in
public places?" This means that drug dealers can virtually bring drugs
into our schools and other public places with impunity, and there is
virtually nothing the police can do about it. In a situation where the
Court is supposed to protect our most vulnerable, they are it seems
more worried about violating the rights of the criminal element.

I have said all along that the very document these appointees use for
justifying many of their asinine decisions was flawed from the start
(The Charter), and needs to be repealed. Any document that confers
more rights and emphasis on the criminal than on the victims of crime;
is a flawed document, and our Charter is that flawed document, and
needs to be rewritten. Part of that rewriting needs to deal with
bringing to an immediate halt to the activism of the judiciary. The
original purpose of the Supreme Court was interpretation only, and not
in making law as they seem to have taken on.

I think that Parliament needs to immediately invoke the
Notwithstanding Clause to squash this latest ruling. These judges who
issue rulings as if they are the only ones in the country whose
opinions should matter. I'm sorry but I don't remember voting these
unaccountable lawyers into office, and instead I voted for the people
who are supposed to be the ones making law, the Parliament of Canada.
Since I have no confidence that common sense is a prerequisite for a
Supreme Court appointment, Parliament needs to put some sanity back
into a justice system that somehow came off the tracks about the time
the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for Criminals was adopted.

J. Wayne McQueen

Grand Bay-Westfield, NB
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin