Pubdate: Wed, 21 May 2008
Source: Ottawa Sun (CN ON)
Copyright: 2008 Canoe Limited Partnership
Author: Kenneth Jackson, Staff Writer


After a 10-day investigation at nine high schools, Ottawa police
rounded up about 100 grams of marijuana, arrested 16 youths and
charged five more.

Police said from May 6 to May 15 West Division officers went
undercover to investigate criminal activity, particularly smoking and
pushing pot.

One 17-year-old male was charged with trafficking marijuana and
possession of a prohibited weapon, while another 17-year-old male was
charged with trafficking.

Three males, two 17-year-olds and a 15-year-old, were charged with

In total, 14 males and two females aged 15 to 17 were arrested for
allegedly "consuming" pot. Police called their parents and school officials.

Police said they'll continue to work with the local school boards in
enforcing a drug-free environment at and around schools.


Last month, drug investigators were busy rooting out marijuana grow
operations across the city.

Police busted five grow operations and laid 38 charges in April. Two
of the investigations involved grow ops with more than 1,000 plants

On April 14, police raided 1727 and 1728 Kingsdale Ave. in Gloucester
and found 1,023 plants, 43 ecstasy tablets, 14 vials of heroin and
1,200 grams of dried pot. Police made two arrests and laid 10 charges.

Three days later, police arrested two people and laid eight charges in
connection with two grow ops on Burntwood Ave. in Nepean. In one
house, they found 1,105 plants and 21 grams of dried marijuana. Police
found 531 plants in the second house.

Police began their busy month on April 2 on Third Line Rd. in Osgoode.
Detectives seized 561 plants and arrested two people, who face a total
of 17 charges.

The latest bust was April 22, when police found 118 plants at 130
Salisbury St. in Carp. One person was charged with three offences.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin