Pubdate: Wed, 21 May 2008 Source: Express (Nelson, CN BC) Copyright: 2008 Kootenay Express Communication Corp. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Keith Fagin Referenced: Reaction to May 7 editorial regarding legalizing drugs DRUG PROHIBITION DOESN'T WORK Dear editor: Alcohol prohibition of course did not work and was repealed not because we want people to consume the hard, addictive and destructive drug, alcohol, but because we learned prohibition just created violent gangs that could care less what they sold to the alcohol-consuming public. I fully support the Holy Smoke and their actions to reduce the evil and harms caused by hard addictive drugs. We will never be able to stop humankind from consuming them if they so desire, centuries of history has shown that as solid fact. The Holy Smoke people are nothing short of serious heroes. In fact it is time I send them a donation today. Keith Fagin Calgary - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin