Pubdate: Wed, 28 May 2008 Source: National Post (Canada) Copyright: 2008 Southam Inc. Contact: Details: Referenced: Referenced: Referenced: Referenced: Author: Dr. Victor Daveikis WATER: IT'S MORE DEADLY THAN POT Re: Decades After Woodstock, The Pot Debate Still Rages, letters to the editor, May 27. Ignorance and avoidance of uncomfortable truths emerges in some of these letters. Fact: Marijuana is one of the safest drugs on the planet -- safer even than water. More people die from drinking too much water than have ever died from consuming too much marijuana (I'll let you in on a secret: the number of deaths attributed to weed is 0). I ask any of them to prove me wrong: but it's a losing bet, because they can't. It is estimated that a person would have to smoke around 1,500 pounds of marijuana in 15 minutes to maybe kill them. Compare that to Aspirin, that kills hundreds of people each year. We have to keep in mind that any kind of drug abuse can have negative effects on a user. Responsible drug use is a different story. It's the difference between having a daily beer vs. a daily case of beer. A daily cigarette vs. two daily packs. Education and legalization -- not fear-mongering and quasi-religious morality arguments -- are what is needed to control abuse of the drug and the criminal black market that feeds off its prohibition. Dr. Victor Daveikis, Waterloo, Ont. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake