Pubdate: Tue, 03 Jun 2008
Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer (Philippines)
Copyright: 2008 Philippine Daily Inquirer
Author: Tina Santos


MANILA, Philippines - The Manila government is set to field special
anti-illegal drug marshals in all public schools in the city to ensure
that students are protected from the drug menace.

Mayor Alfredo Lim, who will lead today's launching of the project at
the Ramon Magsaysay High School on Espana Street, said the marshals
will be deployed in schools when classes open on June 10.

A special task force composed of school personnel, student leaders and
parents-teachers' association officials will be organized for the
purpose, he said.

"We will never let up in our drive against drugs," the mayor stressed,
adding that the project would to ensure that learning institutions
remained drug-free.

According to Dr. Ma. Luisa S. Quinones, city schools division
superintendent, the creation of the special task force is in
accordance with the provisions of the Dangerous Drugs Act or Republic
Act 9165. Anti-drug units trained to assist in the detection and
apprehension of violators of the Dangerous Drugs Act within the school
premises will be organized in all city schools.

"School principals and chairs of the Peace and Order Committee in
their respective schools will come in full force to be part of the
campaign and sign a manifesto signifying their commitment to go
all-out against drugs," Lim said.
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MAP posted-by: Steve Heath