Pubdate: Thu, 19 Jun 2008
Source: Toronto Star (CN ON)
Copyright: 2008 The Toronto Star
Author: Tess Kalinowski, Transportation Reporter


Procedures needed that can detect staff fatigue, impairment without 
infringing on human rights

Facial and retina scans are among "hundreds" of technologies 
available as the TTC contemplates drafting a fitness-for-duty policy 
to ensure its 12,000 workers are sober, rested and clear-headed.

"We understand there are technologies out there - everything from 
established (devices) such as breathalyzers to some new technologies 
around optical scans, facial scans," said TTC chair Adam Giambrone 
yesterday, while declining to discuss specifics.

In August, the TTC will review a recommendation on how to determine 
employee fitness in relation to drugs and alcohol, and possibly 
emotional state and fatigue levels.

All possibilities will be considered, Giambrone said, but the issue 
is morally and legally complex.

"It's unclear to what degree drug and alcohol testing is legal in 
Canada. We also have the issues of human rights and respect for our 
employees, and we have to balance that against ensuring the public is 
safe," he said.

Union head Bob Kinnear said any testing would have to be negotiated.

"We're not going to allow the TTC to implement any policy that's 
going to be an invasion of our privacy. It's that simple," he said.

A TTC worker killed April 2007 in a subway tunnel was later found to 
have been smoking pot on the job.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart