Pubdate: Thu, 10 Jul 2008
Source: North Coast Journal (Arcatia, CA)
Copyright: 2008sNorth Coast Journal
Author: Judy Hodgson
Bookmark: (Marijuana)
Bookmark: (Marijuana - Medicinal)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


Shwarzenegger signed an emergency bill early last month that got 
little notice here on the far North Coast. It fixed - in a hurry - 
the state law governing home winemaking. Someone discovered that the 
law as written actually was ridiculous: It prohibited competitions 
like many county fairs have held for decades because legally homemade 
wine could not legally be transported off your property to be judged. 
Nor could you share your product with friends; only immediate family 
members could imbibe. Of course those parts of the law were widely 
ignored and once discovered, the law was amended - especially since 
the popular California State Fair home-winemaking competition was 
about to begin.

I mention this law because it may be one to copy when and if we 
legalize and regulate marijuana.

First, let's review what's wrong with current marijuana laws:


The laws are widely ignored. If a law makes so many otherwise 
law-abiding citizens criminals, there might just be something wrong 
with the law. (Think prohibition.)


The laws make a bunch of liars out of our friends and neighbors. Most 
medical marijuana card-holders are not telling the truth. They want a 
215 card because they like to use marijuana as a recreational drug 
and they don't want to be arrested.


The laws turn otherwise law-abiding doctors into co-conspirators. 
There are a few physicians, no doubt, who write prescriptions for 215 
cards purely for money, but the majority likely do it because they 
are learned, informed men and women who know marijuana is not the 
bogeyman gateway drug some claim and that it is infinitely less 
harmful to our society's health than, say, tobacco. They know that 
some ill people get some relief, but even if they don't, the drug is 
not unlike anxiety-lowering Xanax.


The laws are a colossal waste of our law enforcement dollars. Do you 
think most cops want to be out there enforcing a bunch of fuzzy pot 
rules when they should be targeting drunk-drivers, breaking up a few 
more domestic disputes, or going after serious drugs like meth and heroin?


The laws waste the resources for courts, jails and prisons.


The laws spawn grow houses. We have a housing shortage and we are 
turning perfectly good domiciles into mold-infested sweat boxes where 
neighbors are subjected to criminal comings and goings at all hours.


The laws block meaningful dialogue with our children. First, they add 
the false glamor of forbidden fruit -- and we should keep that list 
as short as possible. Second, if marijuana were a controlled 
substance, we could have those honest discussions with children we 
need to have, like we do about tobacco and alcohol - not the ones we 
have about crack and heroin.


The laws result in an industry that does not pay taxes. Please don't 
bother to e-mail me about how you pay sales tax on your new car or 
property taxes on your home and land, or how you use your commercial 
drug profits to support the non-profit of your choice or your own 
kid's school. Those are your choices. The rest of us have to pay real 
(not voluntary) taxes on our income and so should you.

The 21st Amendment to the Constitution repealed the 18th Amendment 
prohibiting the production of alcohol. But it also did something 
else: It allowed states and local governments to prohibit it instead. 
If we had such a federal framework, each state could begin to 
separate marijuana from other much more menacing drugs and use 
resources to spend on serious societal issues. I am not the only one 
who was flabbergasted that the feds spent two years of investigation 
time and sent 450 agents - 450! - to Humboldt County for a week to 
bust what looks like some rejects from the gang that can't shoot 
straight. (I may be wrong here, since we haven't seen the 
indictments. Could we yet snag an Al Capone, a rapist or ax murderer?)

The federal and state alcohol laws are very, very generous. You can 
make 200 gallons of wine per year (or home-brewed beer) per household 
for consumption by you, your family and friends. The beauty of the 
law is that you can't sell it. If you do, the law will come after 
you. I don't know of a single home-brewer or winemaker who is 
selling. I don't know a single one who is profiting from their hobby either.

If we allowed a household consumption limit of, say, five plants, 
would that be generous enough? OK, how about seven? 
(Apartment-dwellers, it's inconvenient to brew beer if you don't have 
a garage, but not impossible.)

The hurdles, of course, are many. Federal and state laws would have 
to be changed and, realistically, a politician willing to risk 
reelection for such a cause doesn't exist. Then there is the true 
medical question, an easy one. Let's just accept the volume of 
anecdotal evidence that says marijuana gives relief to some people 
for pain and nausea. If you have ever been a caregiver to a 
terminally ill cancer patient -- and I have - I say, why the hell 
not? Let the feds contract with a competent grower. Finally, if we 
ever classify marijuana as a controlled substance for recreational 
use, we could then set up a heavily regulated and taxed commercial 
industry that is similar to tobacco.

What would happen next? Would the sky fall?

I doubt it. Supply goes way up, demand shrinks, public resources are 
redirected, jail space vacated, the commercial grow industry and its 
criminals disappear and, just maybe, a nice family moves in next door 
instead of that vacant house with the moldy curtains. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake