Pubdate: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution (GA) Copyright: 2008 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Contact: Website: Details: Referenced: Author: Edward A. Watkins PRISON, WAR ON DRUGS BOTH EFFECTIVE Contrary to Cynthia Tucker's recent column ("Just filling prisons won't make us safer," June 29), evidence proves that imprisoning criminals works. Crime is down since we decided that criminals shouldn't be on the street but in prison. We still release too many repeat offenders who perpetrate many crimes regardless of previous imprisonment. Treatment works for only a very limited and motivated minority. Tucker complains about the number of black men in prison. If we want to reduce that number, we should reverse liberal social policies installed since the 1960s and strengthen all traditional families, not just the black family. The black family was stronger in the 1950s than it is today. Tucker says that the war on drugs has failed. It has been a demonstrable success. Drug use is down across all segments of American society. What would Tucker have? More drug use? More crime? More zoned-out teens and adults? More ruined lives? Edward A. Watkins - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake