Pubdate: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 Source: Leamington Post (CN ON) Copyright: 2008 Leamington Post Contact: Website: Details: POLICE BOARD ENDORSES FORMATION OF DRUG UNIT Leamington Police Service Is Taking A New Tack To Combat Illegal Drugs. On Thursday the police board endorsed a plan to create a small drug unit with local officers, the move outlined by Staff Sgt. Ed Marocko. "It will be a multi-faceted approach"," Marocko said, focsing on both education and "strong enforcement." The four-person unit will be comprised of two criminal investigation officers with the specialized drug training, joined by two regular officers. Marocko told the board the drugs of choice in the Leamington area are marijuana and cocaine and its derivatives. "It will target the street level users and sellers... and be highly visible." he explained. As well as enforcement the pro-active approach for prevention will focus on the schools and students. To a question Marocko stressed the new effort is not a confrontational move. "We're not in the business to shake-down people, we have to follow the laws and have to do it right." As an example of the special training, he explained the presence of marijuana is easily determined from the odor, but not cocaine, and that's where the training applies. The board also learned that in the "education" phase a special effort will be geared at information for parents. It will spear-headed by community relations officer Kevin O'Neil. He said that "Drug Awareness Week" is Oct. 6-10 and he intends to host an "educational night for parents Oct. 8. Chief Dean Gow explained that several scenarios were considered for a drug push here, including partnerships with other forces but control and command issues also come with it. He said he wanted to "get it off the ground with existing resources." To a question of cost he said it was "hard to predict" at this time. The program was welcomed by board members. "I agree with the specialzed unit," said chairman Rob Schmidt. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom