Pubdate: Tue, 05 Aug 2008
Source: Sun.Star Baguio (Philippines)
Copyright: 2008, Sunstar
Author: Ernie N. Olson Jr


Drug prevention programs of the City Anti-Drugs Abuse  Council (Cadac)
are not only being implemented here by  law enforcement agencies
nowadays, but also by some of  Baguio's public high schools and annexes.

This was disclosed in the latest Cadac synergy meeting  in City Hall
recently, where not only the Philippine  Drug Enforcement Agency
(PDEA) made known their  programs and accomplishments, but also the
Baguio City  National High School (BCNHS) and the Pines City  National
High School (PCNHS).

The synergy meeting, said Cadac action officer and  Baguio Vice Mayor
Daniel Farinas, was held to consult  and discuss drug prevention
activities with  stakeholders in the city.

It was aimed to prepare and submit to the Cadac the  action plans of
the different schools regarding their  drug prevention activities
within their campuses,  annexes and the community; to strengthen and
make  operational the Cadac Barkadahan Kontra Droga; and to  discuss
the reporting system of accomplishments for  consolidation.

"How far have we gone with the drug demand reduction  drive in Baguio
City since January of this year?" asked  Chief Inspector Edgar Apalla,
officer-in-charge of the  PDEA regional office in the Cordillera, from
participants representing the different School  Anti-Drug Abuse
Councils (Sadacs) of Baguio.

To this, BCHNS Araling Panlipunan head teacher Evelyn  Gabot reported
that in their main campus and annexes,  school administrators are now
empowered to apprehend,  arrest or cause the apprehension or arrest of
any  student or employee who shall violate any of the  provisions of
Republic Act (RA) 9165 if they are in the  school or within its
immediate vicinity, or even beyond  such immediate vicinity if they
are in attendance in  any school or class functions in their official
capacity as administrators.

As for the involvement of teachers, she said they have  made it their
duty to report any employee or student  found violating the
aforementioned provisions in the  school or within its immediate
vicinity to their  immediate supervisor who shall, in turn, report the
matter to the proper authorities.

For those in the student government and academic clubs,  Gabot also
explained that they will include in their  activities a program for
the prevention and deterrence  in the use of dangerous drugs, and
referral for  treatment and rehabilitation of student found positive
for drug dependence.

She said they have even integrated into their  curriculum their
anti-drug advocacy and information  education on drug abuse,
prevention, and control;  provided leadership and capability-building
trainings  and workshops; conducted co-curricular activities like
poster-making, slogan writing, jingle composition and  skit
competitions; and also provided ancillary services  like counseling,
assistance of any form and drug  testing.

On the part of the PCNHS, Sadac Adviser Conchita  Silvestre said they
have also conducted seminar  workshops in their three annexes since
July 2007,  conducted a tree-planting activity in the Busol  watershed
and their annexes' respective areas last  September, held a Life
Planning as A Resource  Intervention for Drug Education (Life Pride)
seminar in  October 2007, joined in the Drug Prevention Month
celebration where they had poster, slogan, essay  writing and
extemporaneous speech contests, as well as  a drama fest and torch

Aside from these, she said they also participated in a  three-day
seminar on drug abuse sponsored by  Sangguniang Kabataan (SK)
President and Councilor  Ysabel de Vera at the City Hall multi-purpose
conference room last December 4 to 6, conducted a tree  weeding last
January 2008, held home visitations and a  Values Clarification
Seminar last February 2008, an  intramural sports competition from
February to May this  year, and also an anti-drug abuse literacy
program from  March to May this year.
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