Pubdate: Thu, 07 Aug 2008 Source: Orangeville Citizen (CN ON) Copyright: 2008 Orangeville Citizen Contact: Details: Author: Claire Hoy Bookmark: (Harm Reduction) Bookmark: (Insite) A HARMFUL AND RIDICULOUS CONCEPT Here's a concept: Your closest friend is a raging alcoholic. He/she can't hold a job, can't look after his family, can't really look after himself, and has only one real - and constant - interest; i.e. where does the next drink come from. So, as a humane person and true friend, what do you do to help? Easy. Get a government grant, build a little bedroom/bathroom/sitting room on the side of your house, and ply him with all the booze he wants. What's that you say? Feeding his habit won't help him but will only make him worse. He'll never get rid of his addiction but will only spiral deeper and deeper into a cesspool of despair. Only a complete wingnut would come up with a scheme to enable his addiction rather than help him break out of it. All of which, of course, is true. The entire concept is ridiculous. Not to mention harmful. Which leads to the ongoing national debate on a different addiction, i.e., hard drugs, in Vancouver, pitting the so-called "harm reduction" advocates - those who want Ottawa to keep funding that city's free drug haven for addicts, against those who believe that enabling addicts to feed their addiction doesn't do a thing to help them get off the needle. As you'd expect, most of the mainstream media in this country has sided with the champions of Insite, Vancouver's costly injection site, and attacked Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Health Minister Tony Clement for their refusal to renew funding which was - surprise, surprise - initially provided by a previous Liberal administration. Harper, Clement et al are routinely attacked by the Insite backers for basing their opposition to continuing the cesspool which Vancouver's drug area has become on their own "ideology," rather than on the so-called "facts" of the case. The "facts," of course, are those details which Insite apologists consider acceptable, based mainly on a series of studies conducted by people with a direct interest in maintaining this failed experiment. Just as an aside, this very Canadian habit of accusing people of relying on "ideology" has long bemused this writer. It is leveled by those who also are exercising their own "ideology" yet, because they disagree with it, it becomes a bad thing for say the Tories to be ideological but a good thing for their critics to be ideological. That's because - as the critics see it at least - Tory ideology doesn't have good intentions, while anti-Tory ideology is the salt of the earth. But back to Insite. The supporters of that program claim that providing clean needles for the addicts actually saves lives. It may prolong the lives of some junkies, but regular shooting-up of hard drugs, whether the needles are clean or not, ultimately will kill them. The only realistic way to save their lives - and even this is not guaranteed - is to get them into rehab immediately and get them off the junk. But there's little time and even less money in the Vancouver experiment to provide beds for rehabilitation. Instead, most of the cash is used facilitating the junkies lethal habits. The champions of Insite claim that their program is one of "harm reduction." Nonsense. What they are saying in effect is that these people are going to kill themselves anyway, but by offering them a place to shoot up we're reducing the overall harm on society. This is seen as the "humane" approach to drugs, while those - like this writer - who think the emphasis should be on getting them off the drugs completely, rather than continuing to feed their habit, are seen as hard-hearted, uncaring Neandrathals completely blinded by their warped "ideology." You don't have to be a medical doctor, a scientist, a social worker or even a left-leaning politician to be able to understand that helping somebody continue their lethal addiction isn't exactly a big help to their well-being. Yet that's what the advocates of so-called "harm reduction" want us to believe; that they are following the right course of action and anybody who dares disagree with their "wisdom" is a cad. Or worse. Despite the obvious idiocy of facilitating addicts - and thanks to an extremely sympathetic Vancouver media - the politically popular thing for Ottawa to do would bed to continue to fund this absurd program. But the right thing to do would be to junk the entire concept and instead put the money into serious rehabilitation programs. To be sure, not everybody can be or wants to be rehabilitated: but even if it just saves a few lives, it's preferable to funding death by a thousand needles. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom