Pubdate: Sun, 10 Aug 2008 Source: Honolulu Advertiser (HI) Copyright: 2008 The Honolulu Advertiser, Contact: Website: Details: Author: Matthew Molnar TEACHERS SETTING POOR EXAMPLE FOR STUDENTS HSTA and the teachers agreed to random drug testing in their new contract in June 2007. What don't they understand about what "random drug testing" means? HSTA has already given the excuses - drug testing in unconstitutional and it costs too much. HSTA also wants to test only suspicious teachers who have prior drug or drunk-driving convictions. Now the new proposal is to only test teachers who hold a CDL (commercial driver's license). But the state has been drug testing CDL holders since 1995. It is just another excuse and should not be tolerated. Teachers have such high expectations for their students to do the right thing, have integrity and be good citizens. But they keep thinking of excuses on why they can't honor their contract. They are setting a poor example for their students. Do the right thing and set a good example. HSTA, quit whining and thinking of excuse after excuse, and implement random drug testing already! Matthew Molnar Honolulu - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin