Pubdate: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 Source: Observer, The (CN ON) Copyright: 2008, OSPREY Media Group Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Neil Bowen Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada) MAN FINED $1,500 IN COURT An ex-military man who grew marijuana to treat a career-related disability was fined $1,500 Thursday in Sarnia court. Clayton Goodwin, 32, of Sarnia, pleaded guilty to possession of marijuana and morphine along with careless storage of a shotgun. A police search of Goodwin's Alvinston apartment on Jan. 14 revealed a small grow operation with 22 immature plants, 95 grams of processed marijuana, morphine tablets and a shotgun in a closet without a trigger lock. Goodwin was honourably discharged after nine years in the Canadian military because of a disability. Defence lawyer Jonathan George said his client was prescribed a significant amount of medication but chose to use marijuana. Several letters of commendation that detailed his volunteer work along with medical and career information were presented to the court. The binder of material indicated Goodwin's good character, said federal prosecutor Michael Robb. He has no prior criminal record. A planned policing career is not "likely going to happen" because of the the convictions, George said. Robb and George made a joint submission for $1,500 in fines. Justice Deborah Austin said questions about the appropriateness of the joint submission were answered by the submitted material. It was "very disappointing" to see somebody before the court who had previously conducted themselves in such a positive way, she said. Goodwin was placed on a year's probation during which he cannot possess non-prescription drugs and must take substance-abuse counselling. - --- MAP posted-by: Steve Heath